Having learnt art direction in the early 2000's, print communication always appealed to me as the purist form of communication. Getting the message in its simplest form, across in a static image was a challenge. I used to spend hours paging through old awards annuals and Luezers Archive
The print ad above for Land Rover, warning you not to text and drive won a Gold at the Loeries Awards
The above ad titled 'Dunes' featured in Lürzers Archive and won a bronze at the Loeries Awards
Working on one of favourite brands, and for my favourite sport was a lot of fun. We created loads of content for Adidas. This tactical print ad for Orlando Pirates was one of the pieces that stood out for me
Another campaign that featured in Lürzers Archive. These 3 ads were beautifully illustrated and brought to life by the talented Johann Strauss and picked up a Gold Loeries in the craft category.